Energie Fuel Group

Red Dyed Diesel Fuel Cards

Red Dyed Diesel fuel cards are for off-road use only. Red Diesel cannot be used in any vehicle, truck, or tractor that is driven on road.

If you, any member of your company, or any of your employees are found to be operating a vehicle, truck, or tractor on road with Red Diesel in the fuel tank, you (or your business) can incur a very substantial fine.

By signing and dating below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the proper use of Red Diesel fuel.


Spanish translation:

Las tarjetas para el consumo de combustible DIESEL ROJO son solamente para uso fuera de calle o carretera. El Diesel Rojo no debe de ser utilizado en vehículos, camiones, o tractores que sean conducidos en calles o carreteras. Si usted, o algún miembro, empleado de su empresa es descubierto utilizando Diesel Rojo, usted (o su empresa) pueden ser sujetos a multas muy caras.

Mediante firmando este documento usted esta aceptando la responsabilidad de utilizar las tarjetas para el consumo de Diesel Rojo y su uso adecuado.


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Signature Certificate
Document name: Red Dyed Diesel Fuel Cards
lock iconUnique Document ID: d1dbf4510834e86f32fe0b0c4564ffb7024e5d9b
Timestamp Audit
April 20, 2020 1:23 pm PDTRed Dyed Diesel Fuel Cards Uploaded by Monique Garcia - team@energiefuel.com IP