Presentación de la Nueva Aplicación CFN Pay para Teléfonos Inteligentes Queremos presentarle la última solución de seguridad para tarjetas de combustible! La aplicación CFN Pay para teléfonos inteligentes ofrece un método para realizar pagos sin tarjeta cuando los operadores llegan a estaciones de combustible elegibles utilizando el GPS en vivo de su teléfono. Gracias a
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Cardless Transactions are Quicker, Easier, and Safer with the CFN Pay App!
Introducing the New CFN Pay Smartphone App We want to introduce to you the latest security fuel card solutions! The CFN Pay Smartphone app offers a method of making cardless transactions when drivers arrive at eligible fuel stations using their smartphone’s live GPS. When the driver pulls into the fuel station’s area (called geofencing), the
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MPG: Medición de la Eficiencia del Combustible
¿Qué es MPG? Las millas por galón (MPG), un número con el que probablemente todos estemos familiarizados, se han utilizado para medir el ahorro de combustible durante mucho tiempo. Un coche con mejores MPG consume menos gasolina porque puede llegar más lejos con la misma cantidad de combustible. Las MPG son una forma sencilla y
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MPG: Measuring Fuel Efficiency
What is MPG? Miles Per Gallon (MPG), a number we’re all probably familiar with, has been used to measure fuel economy for a long time. A car with a better MPG number uses less gas because it can go farther on the same amount of gas. MPG is a simple and useful way to compare
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DEF y su impacto en el medio ambiente
Hablaremos del líquido de escape diésel (DEF), que es esencial para muchos de nuestros usuarios con vehículos diésel. DEF se ha convertido en una parte importante de la conversación sobre los motores diesel, especialmente cuando se trata de controlar las emisiones y proteger el medio ambiente. El DEF, compuesto por un 67.5% de agua desionizada
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Aerodynamics and its Effect on Fuel Consumption
As vehicle owners, you understand how important aerodynamics are when it comes to fuel economy,. According to Volvo, for long-haul heavy-duty trucks, overcoming resistance contributes to around 10% to fuel consumption, but there are a couple of ways to help with aerodynamics: For trucking vehicles, the higher the cab, the greater the air resistance is,
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Vehicle Weight and its Impact on Maximizing Fuel Efficiency
Vehicle weight is a factor that significantly affects you vehicle’s fuel efficiency, especially to our customer in the trucking industry where drivers are hauling heady loads. The relationship between the two is easy: the heavier the vehicle, the more fuel it consumes. The Physics Behind the Scenes As mentioned before, a vehicle’s fuel efficiency
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Fueling at Costco Versus Fueling at a Wholesale Station
The only good thing about getting gas at Costco is that the price is usually 20 cents less per gallon than the market price. But the cons outweigh the pros. Pros versus Cons One of the worst things about Costco gas stations is the long lines. Since most of them are self-service, this can
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Branded Versus Unbranded Fuel: Similarities and Differences
Branded vs. Unbranded Fuel Branded fuel is gasoline or diesel that is sold under a major brand name, such as Shell, Chevron, or BP. These brands typically add proprietary additives to their fuel, which they claim can improve engine performance, fuel economy, and emissions. Branded and unbranded fuel are the additives mixed into the fuel.
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Car Greases and the Importance to Your Vehicle’s Health
We will talk about a simple but important part of car care often overlooked: car greases. This “silent worker” is an important part of keeping your cars, vans, and 18-wheelers running well and lasting as long as possible. First, let’s clear up what car greases are and what they do. It is basically a type
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