Finally. These fuel prices are coming down! Will they go up again? No one has a crystal ball, but, in the short term, prices will go down a little bit more. Like what they were before the invasion of Ukraine. It was an extremely painful situation to thousands of companies in the US and Mexico.
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What is the Best Motor Oil?
Hello everyone, the title of this article totally caught my attention. The question of WHAT, are there the major differences between DIESEL oil and GASOLINE oil? What makes them different? Many of us have always known about the two categories, but what are their significant differences? A writer from Lake Speed Jr. authored a nice
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Cómo leer los grados de aceite de motor
¿Para qué sirve el aceite de motor? El aceite de motor proporciona lubricación a las piezas móviles del motor, lo que ayuda a evitar daños y a que funcione sin problemas. Cambiar el aceite es esencial porque los derivados de la combustión que se acumulan en el aceite cada vez que el motor funciona causarán
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How Do We Read Motor Oil Grades
What Is It For? Motor oil provides lubrication to the engine’s moving parts, helping to avoid damage and run smoothly. Changing your oil is essential because the by-products from combustion that are collected in the oil each time the engine runs will have cause a decline in the engine’s performance. While there are more external
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Make Investments to Protect Your Catalytic Converter
Data by State Farm shows that claims filed for catalytic converter theft grew 239% nationwide, from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021, as compared to the 12 months prior. The payouts also reached a record high and totaled $33.7 million, when in the previous 12-month period it was below $9 million. The almost-tripled amount
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Administracion de Combustible para Flotilla: Mejora de Rendimientos – Prevencion de Fraude y/o Robo de Combustible
Comparta este PDF con su equipo haciendo clic aquí: Descargue el PDF llamada Administracion de Combustible para Flotilla PROPÓSITO Buen Dia Administrador de Flotilla y/o Lector Curioso, Escribí este articulo como el resultado de conversaciones que he tenido con clientes que desean encontrar una metodología, con el objetivo de maximizar la administración responsable
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Fuel Management for Fleets: Mileage Improvement – Fuel Theft and Fraud Prevention
Share this PDF with your team by clicking here: Download the Fuel Management for Fleets PDF Purpose Hello Fleet Manager and/or Curious Reader: I wrote the below article due to conversations that I’ve had with customers that desire to find a methodology to maximize fuel management for their business. 99.9% of the time business
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Ahora Podemos Integrar con Fleetio!
Nuestros técnicos descubrieron cómo integrar nuestros servicios con sistemas de terceros que otras empresas utilizan para las operaciones de su flota. ¡Después de horas de arduo trabajo, nuestro equipo ha descubierto cómo integrar nuestro sistema con Fleetio! Fleetio es una empresa de software de gestión de flotas que ayuda a optimizar, rastrear, analizar y mejorar
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A Fuel Card Policy is Powerful in Setting the Tone
You have to manage (more than) several moving parts before getting your company fleet off the ground. Where the vehicles are parked, finding a trusted mechanic for maintenance, how to log the other assets in each vehicle, which truck models work best for your fleet’s needs, if you need to acquire different vehicles, and more.
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We Can Now Integrate with Fleetio!
Our technicians figured out how to integrate our services with third-party systems that other companies use for their fleet operations. After hours of hard work, our team has figured out how to integrate our system with Fleetio! Fleetio is a fleet management software company that aims to streamline, track, analyze, and improve fleet operations. The
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