Finally. These fuel prices are coming down! Will they go up again? No one has a crystal ball, but, in the short term, prices will go down a little bit more. Like what they were before the invasion of Ukraine. It was an extremely painful situation to thousands of companies in the US and Mexico.
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¡No Te Olvides los Operadores de Autobuses Escolares!
Las escuelas que optaron por la instrucción en persona están comenzando a abrir sus puertas a medida que los calendarios académicos de todo el año comienzan en la cúspide de julio y agosto. Los maestros ansiosos, el personal, la administración y los estudiantes son el foco de la cobertura de noticias, pero se habla poco
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Don’t Forget about the School Bus Drivers!
Schools with in-person instruction are starting to open their doors as year-round academic calendars start in July and August. School transportation departments are coping with this harsh transition. Some of the nation’s largest school districts made the decision of starting remote instruction for the new school year, but how does that affect non-instructional staff like
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How the USMCA Affects the Trucking Industry
Four months after the final ratification took place in Canada, The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) became effective on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 as the successor of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The purpose of the new agreement is to support “North American manufacturing and mutually beneficial trade.” There are several key changes
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Why is vehicle maintenance essential to your business?
In the day-to-day operations of your company’s fleet, maintenance is easy to overlook. It’s far too simple to neglect oil changes, brake system maintenance, and other important checks and maintenance tasks. Yet if you are not properly maintaining your vehicles, your company productivity is suffering. While there is a cost associated with fleet maintenance, over
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Taking Precautions while Driving in the Summer Heat
The scorching summer heat can be a major influence of your fleet and your fleet drivers. Not only are long-haul drivers greatly affected by the weather change, local/regional and delivery drivers alike are also affected since they often spend more time loading and unloading freight. With this in mind, now is the time to take
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6 Consejos para Ahorrar Dinero en Combustible
Con una eficiencia de combustible promedio para camiones que alcanza las 6.5 millas por galón, cualquier consejo para mitigar los gastos de combustible puede ser de gran ayuda a largo plazo. Los pequeños cambios en los hábitos y las inversiones en su flota pueden generar ahorros sustanciales. Aquí hay 6 consejos para ahorrar dinero
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6 Tips on Saving Money on Fuel
With the average fuel efficiency for trucks reaching 6.5 miles per gallon, any advice to mitigate fuel expenses can greatly help in the long run. Small changes to habits and investments on your fleet can lead to substantial savings. Here are 6 tips to saving money on fuel. Fuel Efficient Tips for Driver Behavior
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AVG. MPG Making sense? Fueling more than fuel tank capacity? Track Driver and Vehicle Fueling Behaviours?
Avoid being a VICTIM of CARD SKIMMING devices at Fuel Stations
Practical suggestions to follow to not be a victim of fuel card fraud: If time allows it, choose to Pay inside the C-Store Vs. paying at the fuel pump. If you need to pay the Fuel Pump, then, pay to the one closest to the building, or the one that is most illuminated. Avoid using
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