Con una eficiencia de combustible promedio para camiones que alcanza las 6.5 millas por galón, cualquier consejo para mitigar los gastos de combustible puede ser de gran ayuda a largo plazo. Los pequeños cambios en los hábitos y las inversiones en su flota pueden generar ahorros sustanciales. Aquí hay 6 consejos para ahorrar dinero
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6 Tips on Saving Money on Fuel
With the average fuel efficiency for trucks reaching 6.5 miles per gallon, any advice to mitigate fuel expenses can greatly help in the long run. Small changes to habits and investments on your fleet can lead to substantial savings. Here are 6 tips to saving money on fuel. Fuel Efficient Tips for Driver Behavior
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Drivers: We Need You Now More Than Ever!
The U.S. Department of Transportation released an Expanded Emergency Declaration on Wednesday, March 18 following U.S. President Trump’s declaration of a nationwide emergency in direct relation to COVID-19. This Expanded Emergency Declaration states that there is an exemption from Parts 390 to 399 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR). Exempted drivers under this
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Cómo Mantener a sus Conductores Satisfechos
1. Haga los conductores se involucren para crear expectativas realistas A veces, las expectativas se crean para que las personas sin su propia aportación, lo que se vuelve difícil para cumplir. Si la compañía quiere que sus conductores cumplan con sus expectativas, debe escuchar las preocupaciones y experiencias pasadas de los conductores. Esta practica puede
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Tres Maneras Adicionales de Reducir Fraude en Tarjetas
3) No Entregue su Tarjeta a Nadie El conductor debe ser la única persona que maneja la tarjeta y protege el PIN. Si la tarjeta se entrega a otra persona, eso aumenta las posibilidades de que la información de la tarjeta sea clonada y robada. El PIN tampoco debe compartirse con otras personas, ni siquiera
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How to Keep Your Drivers Satisfied
Involve Drivers to Create Realistic Expectations Sometimes, expectations are created for people to follow without their own input, which becomes hard for those expectations to be met. If the company wants its drivers to meet their expectations, the company should listen to the concerns and past experiences of the drivers. This practice can create
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Three More Ways to Reduce Fuel Card Fraud and Overall Costs
1. Know the Signs of Card Skimming According to FICO (March 2018), the number of compromised ATMs and point-of-sale devices increased by 8% in 2017, including gas pumps. Educate your drivers on the signs of card skimmers at the pump to maintain their own safety and keep costs low. Two signs of card skimming are
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AVG. MPG Making sense? Fueling more than fuel tank capacity? Track Driver and Vehicle Fueling Behaviours?
Avoid being a VICTIM of CARD SKIMMING devices at Fuel Stations
Practical suggestions to follow to not be a victim of fuel card fraud: If time allows it, choose to Pay inside the C-Store Vs. paying at the fuel pump. If you need to pay the Fuel Pump, then, pay to the one closest to the building, or the one that is most illuminated. Avoid using
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Why are fuel prices increasing?
What you need to know There’s a high demand of fuel: You can expect fuel prices to rise every spring. This is because people in the US are traveling more. Overall, AAA estimated that 41.5 million Americans traveled by car, planes, trains, buses and cruise ships over Memorial Day weekend, the highest since 2005. Crude oil pricing:
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